Doug Natelson (Rice University): Condensed and Living Matter Seminar

David Rittenhouse Lab A8 209 S 33rd St, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: “Shot noise as a probe of correlated materials / Light emission as a probe of electronic pDNrocesses at the nanoscale”

Strange metal behavior has been observed in materials ranging from high-temperature superconductors to heavy fermion metals. In conventional metals, current is carried by quasiparticles; although it has been suggested that quasiparticles are absent in strange metals, direct experimental evidence is challenging to acquire. We measure shot noise to probe the granularity of the current-carrying excitations in nanowires of the heavy fermion strange metal YbRh2Si2.

When compared to conventional metals, shot noise in these nanowires is strongly suppressed. We argue that this suppression can be attributed neither to electron-phonon nor to electron-electron interactions in a Fermi liquid, suggesting that the current is not carried by well-defined quasiparticles in the strange metal regime we probed.

This work sets the stage for similar studies of other strange metals, to test for universality of this response, and ideally for studies in single devices that may be tuned between Fermi liquid and strange metal regimes. It is also important to consider the noise in strongly interacting Fermi liquids, to see if interactions modify the expectations familiar from conventional mesoscopic physics. Time permitting, I will discuss some recent interesting findings in YbAl3, a mixed valence heavy fermion material.

PhD and Post Doc Quantum Seminar Series: Yuhao Liu

LRSM 112C 3231 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The QUIEST Center is thrilled to be kicking off a new seminar series this semester geared towards PhD and Post Doc students across SEAS and SAS to present on quantum-related...

PhD and Post Doc Quantum Seminar Series: Junyu Zhou

Singh 313 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This Spring semester the QUIEST Center is continuing to expand its new seminar series geared towards PhD and Post Doc students across SEAS and SAS to present on quantum-related topics...

PhD and Post Doc Quantum Seminar Series: Collaborative Brainstorm

Singh 313 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This Spring semester the QUIEST Center is continuing to expand its new seminar series geared towards PhD and Post Doc students across SEAS and SAS to present on quantum-related topics...

Ilan Rosen (MIT): Electrical and Systems Engineering Seminar

Raisler Lounge (Towne 225) 107 Towne Building, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: “Quantum Simulation of Electronic Materials with a Superconducting Qubit Array" Ilan Rosen Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT Ilan received a B.S. in Physics from the University of California, Santa...

Allen Liu (MIT): Computer and Information Science Seminar

Wu and Chen Auditorium (Levine Hall) 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: “TBD" Allen Liu PhD Candidate, MIT Allen Liu is currently a graduate student in EECS at MIT where he is in his fifth year, working under the wonderful supervision...

David Lake (Caltech): Electrical and Systems Engineering Seminar

Raisler Lounge (Towne 225) 107 Towne Building, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Title: “Towards quantum interconnects: entangling microwave and optical photonic qubits” David Lake Staff Scientist, California Institute of Technology David Lake is a Research Scientist at the California Institute of Technology,...

PhD and Post Doc Quantum Seminar Series: TBD

Singh 313 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This Spring semester the QUIEST Center is continuing to expand its new seminar series geared towards PhD and Post Doc students across SEAS and SAS to present on quantum-related topics...

PhD and Post Doc Quantum Seminar Series: TBD

Singh 313 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This Spring semester the QUIEST Center is continuing to expand its new seminar series geared towards PhD and Post Doc students across SEAS and SAS to present on quantum-related topics...